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Victoria University Students' Administrative Council

VUSAC is the student government at Victoria University. As a student government, they advocate for students and work to improve Vic's student experience. VUSAC student leaders hold social events, arts and cultural productions, organize clubs, and much more. They offer many services, such as grad photos and scholarships. VUSAC holds regular office hours in their office in the Goldring Student Centre.

There are many ways to get involved with VUSAC, whether that be taking on a levy head position, joining a commission, or just coming by their office to study! The most direct way to get involved is to sit on VUSAC council. Voting positions on council are elected through spring and fall elections, and co-chair and staff positions are hired over the spring/summer. 


Levies are student organizations that receive funding from student fees. They are open to all Victoria College Students and cater to a variety of interests.

There are over thirty Victoria University Student clubs ranging from The Victoria College Equity Collective to the Board Games Club. Clubs are an easy way to connect with other students at the college. You can decide how much or little you want your commitment to be.