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VWA | Victoria Women's Association Annual Luncheon

Apr 16, 2025 11:40a.m.

Where: Alumni Hall

Celebrate 127 years of the VWA with the Vic community over lunch and enjoy "Women and Art at Victoria University," a talk by Gerrie Loveys.

About this Event: Throughout the years, women have played key roles that significantly influenced the development of the Victoria University’s art collections.  This talk will celebrate those women using stories about artworks in these collections.

About the speaker: Gerrie Loveys is well-versed in working with art on a university campus. As the Collections and Operations Manager at the McMaster Museum of Art, Loveys cared for McMaster University's art collection before moving to the Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives, as Assistant Curator and later Curator. She is currently the Art Curator at Victoria University.

Loveys has worked with Victoria University's art collection since 2008, initially assisting former curator Gillian Pearson before becoming the Art Curator in 2019. That same year, the university art collection was integrated into the library's special and archives collections under the direction of the university libraries. Loveys combines her passions for art and history in her curatorial projects and community programmes. With Victoria University displaying and collecting art throughout its 192-year history, she is particularly interested in researching and curating displays and programmes related to the university's history, focusing on the role of women in art at Victoria as educators, artists, donors, programmers and benefactors.

Cost:  $36 (Tickets must be purchased by Friday, April 4.)

  • You may bring cash (exact change is appreciated) or a cheque, payable to the Victoria Women's Association, to the February 26 and March 26 VWA meetings.
  • Cheques, payable to the Victoria Women's Association, may also be mailed to the VWA, c/o Alumni Office, Victoria University, 73 Queen's Park Crescent E., NFH 106, Toronto M5S 1K7
  • This is a ticketed event and we can accommodate only those with tickets to hear our speaker, Gerrie Loveys.

Luncheon: You are welcome to bring guests. We look forward to seeing you and members of the Vic community.

If you have any food requirements, please tell us or email the VWA at

The VWA Annual General Meeting follows at 2 p.m.

About the VWA Membership

Every fall, the Victoria Women's Association sends members and donors the membership/donation form, the new programme and the newsletter. The annual membership fee is $20 which may be paid at meetings by cash or by cheque, payable to the Victoria Women's Association. A cheque may also be mailed to the VWA mailing address below. If you wish to receive a receipt, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The VWA Executive keeps in touch with members and reminds them of upcoming meetings if a member so wishes. If informed, the Corresponding Secretary also sends cards to members for diverse reasons.

VWA Contact Information

Mailing Address: VWA, c/o Victoria Alumni Office, 73 Queen's Park Crescent E., NFH 106, Toronto M5S 1K7.

