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Resources at Vic

Vic BIPOC Counsellor

Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) identifying students at Vic have access to a full-time BIPOC counsellor offered through U of T Health and Wellness. This position was created through extensive consultation with equity groups at U of T, student governments and BIPOC students across the University.

Appointments with the BIPOC counsellor are available to current students.

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Accessibility Advisor

Our on-location Accessibility Advisor aims to break down barriers in registering and accessing services at U of T.

Academic accommodations are arranged through Accessibility Services. Contact Accessibility Services as soon as you are accepted to U of T to arrange for accommodations before the start of classes. 

We encourage you to register with Accessibility Services if you identify with any of the following disability categories:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Brain injury and/or concussion
  • Chronic health issues (for example, bowel diseases, epilepsy, migraines)
  • Deaf/hard of hearing
  • Learning disability
  • Mental health – both permanent and temporary (for example, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, disordered eating)
  • Mobility and/or functional issues
  • Low vision/legally blind
  • Temporary issues (for example, broken limbs)
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Career Planning

At Vic, we offer many ways to help you explore your career options. Take advantage of our embedded Career Educator and Transition Out Specialist, who can help guide you through your career exploration. Additionally, the Vic Reach program takes a holistic approach to future planning. You will begin with an honest self-examination and survey of your skills, identifying gaps and strengths. Through Vic Ready modules and individualized coaching, you will develop and refine soft skills and make connections with peers, alumni, industry professionals and staff.

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Conferences at Vic

The Office of the Dean of Students hosts conferences that are open to current U of T students. These conferences include Minding Our Minds, which looks at mental health in higher education, and Campus (Re)Conciliations, which provides a space to listen to Indigenous leaders and students speak about their research, reflections and experiences, and consider how to move forward.

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Learning Strategist

As a student, you will have access to our Learning Strategist who can help you develop strategies to improve your academic functioning based on your strengths and learning preferences. Strategies may include reading, note-taking, assignment planning, time management, motivation, memory and concentration, as well as ways to manage procrastination, anxiety and stress.

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Vic Transition Mentorship Program

Vic's Transition Mentorship program begins in the summer before you start classes and provides support throughout your first year of study. You will be paired with a current student who will answer your questions and help you navigate your first year at U of T.

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Writing Centre

Vic’s writing instructors help you develop your capacity to plan, organize, write and revise your essays, reviews, lab reports, case studies, and other academic papers. They will go over your work, and help you gain your own skills in writing, revising and editing.

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Academic Support

Imani KingImani King is Vic’s Academic Advisor, Equity & Outreach. She supports outreach to prospective Black, Indigenous and racialized students, as well as the general Vic student community through academic advising appointments and referrals. Imani also works to welcome incoming students to Victoria College. You can book one-on-one appointments with Imani by emailing or connect directly with her via email.


Admission and In-Course Awards for Black, Indigenous, Racialized Students

Victoria College offers over 100 merit-based scholarships for newly-admitted students, and up to 20 awards for domestic students who identify as Black, Indigenous or racialized students. Newly admitted students are automatically considered for admission awards. Learn more about Admission Awards and Financial Information at Victoria College. 

U of T's Award Explorer offers information on scholarships for outstanding achievement among incoming, current and graduating students, and awards for students of specific cultural backgrounds or identities.

A L Cochrane Scholarship

Value: Up to two recipients of $5,000 per year, renewable for a second, third and fourth year.

Awarded to newly admitted Victoria College students who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and/or Person of Colour). Preference will be given to students with financial need and to Indigenous students or those from Northern Ontario. Recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Renewable for a second, third and fourth year if the status of "In Good Standing" is maintained.

General Motors Admission Award

Value: One recipient of $ 5,000 per year, renewable for ta second, third and fourth year

Awarded to a newly admitted Indigenous student based on financial need and academic excellence. Renewable for a second, third and fourth year if the status of "In Good Standing" is maintained.

The National Scholarship (U of T)

The National Scholarship rewards original, creative and committed Canadian secondary school students. These are students who demonstrate superior academic performance, original and creative thought, and exceptional achievement in a broad context. They excel in academic pursuits, demonstrate enthusiasm for intellectual exploration and have a strong involvement in the lives of their schools and communities. Approximately fifteen students are selected as National Scholars (winners) and ten are named Arbor Scholars (runners-up).

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Opportunity Awards - The Robins Access Awards Program

The Robins Access Awards Program (RAAP) was established in 2022 to honour the work of Victoria University’s thirteenth president and vice-chancellor, William Robins, who has been a strong advocate for programs supporting equity, diversity and inclusion for all Victoria College students.

The RAAP comprises a series of Opportunity Awards which are conferred upon Victoria College students based on financial need who are from under-represented or at-risk groups. These awards create access for students through their flexible nature. They are designed to provide students with an opportunity to live in residence, should they choose to, and to alleviate financial pressures by providing an award that can be used to cover a variety of expenses, thus allowing recipients to focus on their studies and campus involvement. Opportunity award recipients are also matched with a faculty mentor in their first year to support their transition into Vic. 

  • The Bader Opportunity Admission Award
  • The Belbeck-Fukakusa Foundation Opportunity Award
  • The Valerie (Husband) Brook Opportunity Award
  • The Lillian G. (Humphrey) and Dougald E. Dyer Opportunity Award
  • The Paul and Judy Huyer Opportunity Award
  • The Pauline M. Scott Opportunity Award
  • The Barbara Thompson Opportunity Award
  • The Tjiang Family Opportunity Award
  • The Victoria University Opportunity Admission Award
  • The Eila (Helin) and Allen Paul Walters Opportunity Award
President’s Award for the Outstanding Indigenous Student of the Year (U of T)

The President’s Award is awarded to domestic Indigenous students (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) on the basis of academic achievement and previous and/or intended future contribution to the Indigenous community. Students must be studying full-time and involved in coursework. One award is given to a student in an undergraduate program each year. An application is required. 

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The Victoria College Annual Fund Award

Value: Up to five recipients of $ 5,000 per year, renewable for second, third and fourth year.

Awarded to newly-admitted Victoria College students from Ontario who identify as Indigenous or First Generation students and have demonstrated financial need. Renewable for a second, third and fourth year if the status of "In Good Standing" is maintained.

Victoria College Bursaries

Bursaries are non-repayable grants available to current full-time students who are experiencing financial difficulties or sudden changes in their financial situation.

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The VUSAC BIPOC Leadership Award

Victoria College’s student government, the Victoria University Students’ Administrative Council (VUSAC), has launched a new student award with the support of Victoria University's senior administration. The VUSAC BIPOC Leadership Award will be conferred upon a student identifying as Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour (BIPOC) who demonstrates involvement and service to others through positive and significant contributions to student life, the community at large, or both.

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Student Groups and Student Life

BLVCK: Victoria Black Student Network

The Victoria Black Student Network (BLVCK) provides a community/forum/network to celebrate black culture and educate on black issues at Vic and within the greater U of T student body.

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The Unsanitized Project

The Unsanitized Project is the manifestation of a community’s need for education and peaceful dialogue surrounding racial injustice against BIPOC and other marginalized peoples. Born of the conviction that education is freedom, The Unsanitized Project invites students to share their stories, art, poetry, and prose about their encounters with racial persecution so we may learn from the testimonies of friends, as a community.

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U of T Student Organization Portal (SOP)

The U of T Student Organization Portal (SOP) lists a large and diverse directory of student clubs, organizations, activities and opportunities on all three U of T campuses. The thousands of entries include cultural clubs, religious clubs, debating societies, sports teams, social activism, drop-in classes, and research opportunities and awards. Learn more here.

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VicPride! is Victoria College’s LGBTQ+ students' association, representing all students who identify themselves under the LGBTQ+ umbrella & community. VicPride! strives to create spaces where people of all genders and sexualities can find comfort, safety, support, and community. 

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VUSAC Equity Commission

The Equity Commission is known for its work advocating for Vic students. The commission strives to make Vic more equitable through projects such as de-gendering washrooms and providing equity training to student groups and leaders.

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World University Service of Canada (WUSC)

WUSC is a Canadian non-profit organization that works to foster youth-centered solutions for improved education, economic, and empowerment opportunities to overcome inequality and exclusion in over 15 countries around the world.

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Resources and Spaces at U of T

African Black Caribbean, Latin American, Southeast Asian & First Generation Student Engagement

African Black Caribbean, Latin American, Southeast Asian & First Generation Student Engagement is a mentorship program for African Black Caribbean, Latin American and Southeast Asian students, as well as First-Generation students whose parents/guardians did not complete post-secondary education.

Mentor navigators provide connections to academic, career, wellness, engagement and many other services to foster a sense of belonging and community. They also help students navigate barriers to access and inclusion and connect students to each other and the broader U of T community. 

Black Hub

Black students on U of T's St. George campus can view the U of T Student Life Black Hub, which is a collection of resources that support the identities and active participation of Black students on campus. From leadership development opportunities to further scholarships and bursaries, this resource allows Black students to find more opportunities to engage across U of T.   

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First Nations House

First Nations House provides culturally relevant services to Indigenous students to support academic success, personal growth and leadership development. They offer learning opportunities for all students to engage with Indigenous communities at U of T and beyond.

Indigenous staff at First Nations House can assist you with your application to the University of Toronto as well as advocate on your behalf. You can also learn more about financial aid support for Indigenous students at U of T (PDF).

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Multi-Faith Centre

The Multi-Faith Centre at U of T supports the spiritual well-being of everyone on campus. The Centre provides discussions about meaning and purpose, social justice and religious diversity workshops, as well as mindfulness meditation, worship, yoga and other practices.

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Sexual & Gender Diversity Office (SGDO)

The Sexual & Gender Diversity Office (SGDO) develops partnerships to build supportive learning and working communities at the University of Toronto by working towards equity and challenging discrimination.

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“My grandparents did not go to university, but they were residential school survivors. School for them has been a very complicated place and system. I look at intergenerational cycles and see how education was a very violent tool for them. Education is now something that – despite what struggles I might face in university – really does empower me and is something I love.” 

- Riley Yesno, U of T’s 2020 President’s Award for Outstanding Indigenous Student of the Year, U of T Victoria College, Class of 2021