Residence Life
Click below to find information on residences, guidelines, buildings and on-campus living.
Residence Life Page
Commuter Life
Being a commuter student can be as fun and engaging as living on campus! Check out the opportunities and amazing programming from Commuter Dons.
Commuter Life
Student Government, Clubs and Levies
Victoria University Students’ Administrative Council (VUSAC) is a hub of student life at Victoria University. As your student government, they advocate for students and work to improve your student experience. VUSAC organizes campus events, oversees approximately 40 clubs, 11 levies, and seven commissions, hosts bi-weekly council meetings and runs a welcoming office open to all students.
VUSAC Homepage
Eating on Campus
Victoria University Food Services offers high-quality foods, meals, and catering services to all students and the Victoria University community at large.
Learn More