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Applicants and Newly Admitted Students

If you are applying to the Faculty of Arts and Science or have recently been admitted, please see admission information.

Current Arts and Science Students 

If you are currently a student at another U of T St. George campus college and want to transfer to Victoria College, apply below. 

Apply to Transfer

Please review our Frequently Asked Questions below before submitting your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible for a Victoria College transfer?

Each year, we have a very limited number of spaces available and typically accept only 3-5 students as college transfers. We will only consider students with a competitive CGPA (approximately B or higher). Students who have completed more than 5.0 credits at the University of Toronto are not eligible for consideration. 

What should I include in my college transfer application?

In addition to the eligibility criteria above, we are looking at students that are already highly involved in the Victoria College community.

Can I apply for a college transfer after the June 1 deadline?

The application deadline for each fall/winter academic year is June 1. We will not consider requests received after the deadline.

When will I be eligible for the in-course scholarship?

All Victoria College students who do not already hold a renewable Vic scholarship are guaranteed one in-course scholarship of up to $1,000 if they achieve an average in the A range (Grade Point Average 3.50+) in any session where they reach or past 5.0, 10.0, or 15.0 credits, using only courses completed at U of T. Note that successful college transfers will be eligible for the in-course scholarship by the end of their first full year at Victoria College.

Does a successful college transfer to Victoria College guarantee a spot in a Victoria College residence?

We cannot guarantee successful transfers or a place in residence. Please contact the Office of the Dean of Students for more information about residence at

Where do I reach out to with questions about my application?

Connect with us at