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Student Leadership Awards

A students stands on stage during the 2024 Victoria College Graduating Awards ceremonies.

The student experience at the University of Toronto is about more than classes and books. It is about life on campus, in the community, and in the world at large. Student Leadership Awards recognize graduating students for making outstanding contributions to improving the world around them and inspiring others to do the same.

For inquiries about these awards, please contact

Silver V Awards

The Silver V Award marks outstanding cumulative contributions over the recipient’s time at Victoria. Ideally, the nominees will be well-rounded students who have distinguished themselves in any number of areas of campus life over the entire course of their time at Victoria.

The award is a sterling silver lapel pin featuring the letter V designed by Birks.

Nominees will also be considered for the Gold V (a 14kt gold pin), which recognizes truly outstanding achievements.

Nominations are due by March 28, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.


Nomination Form
Class Officers and Senior Sticks

Class officers (president, vice-president and secretary/treasurer) become the representatives and social liaisons of Vic 2T4 and their duties include: maintaining regular communication with the class, organizing class reunions and other alumni events, and serving (if requested) on various committees, such as the Alumni of Victoria College Executive (AVC).

Seniors Sticks are presented to two graduates who have, in the opinion of the graduating class, contributed the most to Victoria College and are considered to best represent the Class at Convocation. These two individuals will lead the procession to Convocation Hall on the day of Convocation.

Nominations are due by March 28, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.

Nomination Form

Academic Awards and Medals

Isabel Bader Theatre stage during the 2024 Graduating Awards ceremony.

Graduating students are automatically considered for graduating medals or prizes. Most graduating awards are medals, awarded on the basis of overall A standing (i.e. a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.50 or higher after completion of the degree requirements). A few awards carry a small monetary value (i.e. prizes). Graduating award notifications are emailed by the Office of the Registrar and Academic Advising at the beginning of June. If you are pursuing further education, consider applying for a Postgraduate Scholarship.

For inquiries about these awards, please contact (please, include your student number)

Academic Awards Requiring Application:

These applications will re-open in the late February/early March. See details below.

Past Award Recipients

See all of 2024's Graduating Award Winners here!

See all of 2023's Graduating Award Winners here!

Robson Travelling Scholarship in Classical Studies

Award value: three awards of up to $6,000 each

Donor: Estate and by gift in his lifetime from 1953 of Professor Donald Oakley Robson (19051976) of the Victoria College Class of 1928, member of the teaching staff in Classics 19471971 and chair of the Department of Classics 19601971.

Award Terms: Awarded to a graduating student who has achieved high standing in Classics, Ancient Greek or Latin. The intention of this award is to enable its recipient to attend the Summer Session of the American Academy in Rome or the American School of Classical Studies in Athens. Open to students of all colleges of the Faculty of Arts & Science with preference given to a graduating student of Victoria College.

  • Open to students from all colleges of the Faculty of Arts & Science, with preference given to students of Victoria College.
  • To apply, submit a Study Abroad Award Application by March 31.
  • Please upload copies of your summer program acceptance letter and other relevant documentation.

American Academy in Rome The program application deadline is in mid-January
American School of Classical Studies  The program application deadline is in early January 

2023 recipient: Katerine Anne Moorcro Haberl

Study Abroad Award Application
Regents Participation Award

Award value: up to three awards of $1,000 each

Awarded to graduating students who have participated in and made a significant contribution to student life in such areas as athletics, stage productions, student government, student publications or volunteer services.

Applications are due by April 15, 2025.  See the application link below.

Sheila and David Cook Award

Award value: up to $3,500

Donors: Professors Sheila and David Cook in 2012. Sheila Cook was a founder and first co-coordinator of the Egerton Ryerson stream of the Vic One program. David Cook is a former Principal of Victoria College 2000-2012 and professor of Political Science.

Award Terms: Awarded to a graduating student who has completed the Education Stream of the Vic One program and the Education and Society Program. The award will be given to an individual who has demonstrated excellent leadership skills along with other key attributes advantageous to those pursuing a teaching career. Please note that should any of the candidate(s) be selected to be the recipient of another significant financial award (i.e. Vari Scholarship), the honour of the Sheila and David Cook Award will be made in name only for recognition purposes, with no financial award attached. 

Applications are due by April 15, 2025. See the application link below.

2024 recipient: Iman Hussain

2023 recipient: Imani Nakii King 

“Receiving the Sheila and David Cook Award has been a humbling and rewarding experience as I continue my education journey at OISE with the Master of Teaching Program.”

-Sylvia Yang, 2022 recipient

Fred Reilly Award

Award value: up to $5,000

Donor:  Established in 2018 by his daughter, Dr. Jean O’Grady of the Victoria College Class of 1964, The Fred Reilly Award is named for Frederick William Reilly (1910-1989), an entrepreneur and inventor.  Thrust into working life at the age of 14 as a printer’s apprentice in post-World War I London, England, he worked his way up to become the managing director of slotted-angle maker, Dexion Canada Ltd.  He then invented various construction systems for racking, shelving, and cabinetry, and established companies to make and sell them. As a manager, he adopted innovations such as a profit-sharing scheme for his employees.  Redirack, his major invention, is a heavy-duty steel shelving that is still today the material of choice for pallet racking in warehouses throughout Canada. Matching funds provided by an anonymous donor.

Award Terms:  Awarded to a graduating student of Victoria College who is not necessarily planning to attend graduate school, but who after graduation plans to develop a product or procedure, preferably of an environmental or humanitarian nature. Such a student will have an entrepreneurial spirit and interest in innovation and invention.  Financial needs may be taken into consideration.

Applications are due by April 15, 2025. See below for the application link.

2024 recipient: Niharika Burugapalli

2023 recipient:  Abhayjeet Singh Sachal

Berenice Alvarez"The Fred Reilly award gave me the support and confidence I needed to transform my personal passion in cosmetics and female empowerment into a business for social benefit. The award allowed me to gain the materials I needed to learn more about the intersection between social media and current make-up trends for use in my collaboration with local women’s shelters. I’m eternally grateful for the support of the award."

-Berenice Alvarez Guajardo, 2019 recipient

Postgraduate Scholarships

Scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 are available for Victoria College students who are graduating in June or November 2025 and beginning postgraduate studies in Fall 2025.  The online application is open in early February until March 31 each year. The application will re-open in mid-late February.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

See Vic Postgraduate Scholarships

The Participation Award Application below may be used to apply for the Regents Participation Award, the Sheila and David Cook Award, or the Fred Reilly Award. 

Applications are due by April 15, 2024.

Apply for a Vic Graduating or Participation Award - now closed until March 2025.




"It was a great honour to receive the Fred Reilly Award and to be recognized as a founder. This award motivated us to continue working on our startup, Stryde, to improve the lives of stroke patients and bridge the inequities in the Canadian healthcare system."

- Iris Liu, 2022 recipient