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The Northrop Frye Centre

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The Northrop Frye Centre (NFC) facilitates and encourages undergraduate research, engages in the international exchange of humanist scholarship and promotes academic discussion.

The Northrop Frye Centre

Centre for Creativity

The Victoria University Centre for Creativity is a new initiative whose mandate is to host cross-disciplinary programming and events, inviting artists, thinkers and developers from different fields to share work, compare ideas and collaborate. 

Centre for Creativity

The Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies

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The Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) at Victoria University in the University of Toronto is a research and teaching centre with a library devoted to the study of the period from approximately 1350 to 1700. 

The Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies
Centre for Research in Early English Drama / Records of Early English Drama (REED)

Records of Early English Drama (REED) is an international scholarly project that is establishing for the first time the context from which the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries grew.

Centre for Research in Early English Drama
Centre for the Study of France and the Francophone World / Centre des Études de la France et du Monde Francophone (CEFMF)

CEFMF is home to the interdisciplinary study of France and the francophone world at the University of Toronto. 

Centre for the Study of France and the Francophone World
Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

The Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST) was founded in 1967. The main areas of faculty expertise are: history and philosophy of the physical sciences (biology, physics), the social sciences, and medicine. History of technology, both with respect to the historical development of the physical sciences and the cultural impact of new technologies (AI).

Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
The Centre for Comparative Literature

The Centre for Comparative Literature offers M.A. and Ph.D. programs of study in every major area from medieval to contemporary literature with particular emphasis on literary theory and criticism. The range of languages, literature and special resources available on campus enables students of Comparative Literature to explore literary achievements in a vast spectrum of national and linguistic traditions, while the Centre’s strong emphasis on modern literary theory gives their studies critical and methodological coherence.

The Centre for Comparative Literature
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