Office Phone: (416) 585-4460
Office Location: VC108A
Office Hours and/or Leave Status: Online and In-person appointments available by sign-up.
Degrees: BA (Honours) - University of TorontoMA, PhD - Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto
Julia is Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream and Coordinator of the Education & Society Program. She also coordinates the Vic One Education Stream program. She completed a BA (honours) in sociology and criminology from the University of Toronto (Victoria College) and an MA in Child Study and Education from OISE/University of Toronto. Julia completed her PhD in Developmental Psychology and Education at OISE/University of Toronto where her dissertation looked at ECEs’ knowledge and teaching efficacy for early literacy instruction.
She is a certified primary/junior teacher in Ontario with teaching experience in a number of diverse settings, including clinical programs, the laboratory school at the University of Toronto and Toronto public and private schools. Her research interests include pre-service and in-service teacher training, teaching efficacy, online teaching and learning, language and literacy development and multiliteracies. Her current research examines K-12 teachers’ and post-secondary educators’ efficacy for teaching online during and following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Julia teaches in the Education & Society program and currently teaches VIC 151 - Theories and Practices of Teaching, EDS 261 - Child and Adolescent Development, EDS 356 - Multiple Literacies in Education and EDS360 H/Y - Education Internship.
Julia has served on several committees and boards, including the Executive Committee of the Council for Exceptional Children (OISE/UT Chapter) and as Community Liaison for the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Afterschool Daycare Board of Executives. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Mothercraft Society. Julia is a registered member of the Ontario College of Teachers and the College of Early Childhood Educators.
Selected Presentations and Publications:
- Forgie, J., Dack, L., Boccolon, M. & Pham-Quan, M. (2022). Learning from a Time of Crisis: What the COVID-19 pandemic can teach educators about opportunities for equity and inclusion in online teaching and learning. Principal Connections, September 2022.
- Dack, L., Forgie, J., Arnett, S., & Wang, M. (2022, May). Teaching Online During COVID-19: Comparing Online and In-Person Teaching Efficacy. CSSE 2022 - Canadian Society for Studies in Education Annual Conference. Virtual Meeting.
- Forgie, J., Dack, L. & Boccalon. (2022, May). Examining Teachers' Perspectives on Issues of Equity and Inclusion in Online Teaching during COVID-19. CSSE 2022 - Canadian Society for Studies in Education Annual Conference. Virtual Meeting.
- Forgie, J., Dack. L., Pham-Quan, M., Boccalon, M. & Shakeel, A. (2022, April). Bridging the “digital divide”: Examining perspectives on equity and inclusion in online teaching during COVID-19. AERA 2022 - American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Virtual Meeting - San Diego, California.
- Dack, L. & Forgie, J. (2021). Teaching Online During COVID-19: Supporting Teachers in Increasing Online Teaching Efficacy. Principal Connections, December 2021.
- Forgie, J. (2021). The Impact of Multimodal Professional Development on Early Childhood Educators’ Literacy Knowledge. American Educational Research Association Paper Repository.
- Forgie, J. (2021, April). The Impact of Multimodal Professional Development on Early Childhood Educators’ Literacy Knowledge. AERA 2021 - American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Virtual Meeting - Orlando, Florida.
- Forgie, J. (2020, June*). The impact of multimodal instruction on professional literacy learning. Congress 2020 - Canadian Society for Studies in Education Conference. Western University of Ontario: London, Ontario. *Conference was cancelled due to COVID-19.
- Forgie, J. & Willows, D. (2020, April*). Assessing Early Childhood Educators’ Linguistic Knowledge. AERA 2020 - American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California. *Conference was cancelled due to COVID-19.
- Forgie, J. & Willows, D. (2018, May). The benefits of implementing a multimedia approach to in-service professional development for early childhood educators. Congress 2018 – Canadian Society for Studies in Education Conference. University of Regina: Regina, Saskatchewan
- Forgie, J. & Willows, D. (2017, May). Filling in the “gaps”: Improving early childhood educators’ knowledge through targeted professional development. Congress 2017 – Canadian Society for Studies in Education Conference. Ryerson University: Toronto, Ontario.